Monday, October 21, 2013

Marlin Coast A Qualifier 1st-3rd November & Club Night 25th October

Hi Everyone

What a busy few weeks it's been. We've had the Stingrays, Atherton and Centrals Carnivals, and Marlin Coast has produced some great swimming, PBs and relay results. Dimbulah Carnival is on this weekend, so good luck to those competing there as well!

Congratulations to all those swimmers who attended the meets. Well done in particular to Lauren Arenas for winning the skins competitions at Atherton and Stingrays! Also congratulations to Ryleigh Lammert for coming second at Atherton. Great swimming girls!

Also a big thank you to those parents who time kept.

Our next club night is this Friday 25th October and it's a record night, so we look forward to seeing you all there to make a few dents in the record books!

Our biggest event of the year as a club is coming up next weekend from the 1st-3rd November. The Marlin Coast A Qualifier is our biggest fundraiser and usually a great meet, as well as a good opportunity for our swimmers to compete in their home pool. Nominations close this Friday so make sure you nominate when you're at Club Night! Any volunteers willing to help on the day would make a great difference to how it runs, so please let me know if you are able to help in any way. We will have a BBQ roster and the timekeeping roster for all members participating in the event as well, which will come out next week after nominations close. 

See the Meet Flyers tab on the left for the flyer.

See you on Friday!

Happy swimming

Keith Layton
Marlin Coast Swimming Club

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