Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Carnivals and new club captains!

Hi all

Well the Atherton Swimming Carnival is on next weekend, entries have closed for that so good luck to all the swimmers participating! 

Next up is the Stingrays Twilight Swim Meet on Saturday 12th October, starting at 12 noon at Woree Pool. See the flyer under the meets tab at the left for more details. You can enter by filling in your nomination (available in the glass cabinets across from reception at the Smithfield Pool) and placing it in an envelope with your payment details (either bank transfer or put cash in) and putting the envelope in the wooden box. This would be a great meet to have a try for the first time if you're interested in giving it a go. 

Our next club night is not until the 25th October, as we have so many meets on in October and the school holidays as well. We look forward to seeing you then if not before!

I would also like to thank Jasmine Tong and Adam Vander Zant for their wonderful leadership as Club Captains for the last 5 years. We could not have had better role models for all our swimmers and they have truly led by example by their conduct in and out of the pool.

Congratulations to Hannah Witten and Cameron Keith who are our new Club Captains. Two accomplished swimmers and wonderful individuals to continue on the leadership of our swimmers. I look forward to their future accomplishments and guidance of our younger swimmers as our Club continues to evolve.

Thank you again to all the parents for assisting with the BBQ (especially you Helen!). Also thank you to all those who assisted with nominations, entries and running the computer, announcing, time keeping, chief time keeping and marshalling. Our club night ran very smoothly so thank you to everyone who assisted.

Yours in swimming,

Keith Layton

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