Club Night Info

Club night information

Our Club Nights are usually held every second fortnight during the swimming season.  Please refer to the Calendar of Events at the back of this handbook for specific dates. All club swimmers are encouraged to participate in our Club Nights. These evenings are a terrific opportunity for your child to mix with other swimmers, learn the rules of swimming competitively and to display their ability to both coaches and parents. The focus is for each swimmer to improve his or her own PB times, as when swimming on Club Nights, your child is only really competing against his or her own best times. All our races are made up of mixed age groups but swimmers of similar ability swim together.
 We encourage parents to participate in our Club Nights and this ensures that your children reap maximum benefits from the club.  We require & appreciate your assistance with time-keeping, starting, announcing, serving in the canteen, setting up and packing away. Any previous experience is not necessary and committee members will be only too happy to assist with training! All help is greatly appreciated and it really is true that “Many hands make light work!” when it comes to running our Club Nights.
Some points to consider:

  •  Club nights are held on two Friday evenings in each calendar month commencing at 6.30pm.  See Club Calendar at the back for exact dates!
  • Gates will open at 6:00pm.
  • Club night fees are $4.00 per swimmer or $12.00 per family (3 or more swimmers)
  • Swimmers must nominate for time trials by giving their nomination slip to the control box at the top of the grandstand no later than 6.20pm on that night.
  • All times will be recorded on Team Manager and kept on file by our Club Night Recorder.
  • At the beginning of each season, swimmers’ best times will come from last season’s PBs achieved during the previous season.
  • New members (swimmers) first swim will set their standard.
  • A point score system has been devised to establish aggregate point score winners in each age group at the end of the qualified level only.

The points will be awarded as follows:

1 point for distance swims
1 point for swimming
2 points for .5 seconds either side of best time
3 points for improving by more that .5 seconds
5 points for a swimmer absent due to out –of- town swim meet
that requires travel prior to Club Night.

·       One distance can be swum each club night(for qualified swimmers), either 200m Individual Medley; 200m Free, Back, Breast or Fly; or 400m Free.

·       Three different strokes are offered each club night in 25m, 50m or 100m swims of Freestyle, Butterfly, Backstroke and Breaststroke. 
Graduating Times and Qualifying for Distance Swims
When a 25m swimmer breaks the following times, that swimmer will then graduate to 50m swims in that specific stroke:

28 seconds
35 seconds
35 seconds
30 seconds

When a 50m swimmer breaks the following times, that swimmer will then graduate to 100m swims in that specific stroke:

45 seconds
60 seconds
55 seconds
50 seconds

When a 100m swimmer breaks 1 minute 50 seconds (1:50.00) in Freestyle 
that swimmer may add the 200m Freestyle distance.

When a 200m swimmer breaks 3minutes 30 seconds (3:30.00) in Freestyle 
that swimmer may add the 400m Freestyle distance.

To qualify for 200m Individual Medley a swimmer must be a
50m swimmer in all four strokes.

What the point system is for:

The advantages gained by our points score system are:

1.              Grading of swimmers by times provides better competition as swimmers are swimming against those of similar ability.

2.              By awarding points for the improvement in times, time is the enemy and there to be beaten.

3.              By grading a competitor on times, the place in which they finish the race will have no bearing on points. It is possible for all competitors in the one race to receive maximum points if their times are improved.

4.              A graduation certificate will be awarded each time a swimmer breaks his or her 25m and 50m times in each stroke.

How to complete your nomination form:

·       Fill in Christian Name, Surname
·       Date of Birth
·       Tick the events.
Note: You can only do one distance of 25/50/100 for each stroke.
Plus you are able to do 1 distance event (200m/400m)
·       Maximun total of 4 swims on any club night

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