Thursday, August 28, 2014

New Website!

Hi everyone

Thanks to Swimming Australia, Marlin Coast Swimming Club now has a new website! 

We will leave this one up for a while until everyone gets used to it - the address is:

See you there!

Allison Anderson

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Notice of AGM Wednesday 16th July 2014

Hello Members,
The 2013-14 swimming season is finished with great results from so many of our members. Now we're turning our attention to getting organised for 2014-15 season! If you are interested in participating in our great club and contributing to its success, we would love to welcome you onto the committee. 
The Marlin Coast AGM will be at 6pm on Wednesday 16th July in the clubrooms at the Marlin Coast Swimming Pool. I welcome any members to attend. Getting involved with our club at an organisational level can give you the opportunity to learn new skills, engage with your children and contribute to the wider community. 
Our aim is to assist and support the coaches and swimmers to ensure they achieve their best. Nominations are open for the following positions:

- president
- vice president
- treasurer
- secretary
- committee member (registrar)
- committee member (uniforms)
- committee member (club night recorder)
- committee member (carnival nominations)

Some of these positions require only a small time commitment per week or only at specific times, and some are more demanding. If you would like to know more about any specific position, what it entails, and what kind of time commitment it requires, please contact me or another committee member to discuss. 
Please put your nominations in writing and email to Shelley Clark 2 weeks before the AGM.
It is always great to get some new ideas and contributions, so I hope some of you might consider getting involved.
Kind regards,
Keith Layton
President – Marlin Coast Swimming Club

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Last club night this Friday and change of End of Year Pool Party date

Hi Everyone
We had a great turnout last weekend for the FNQRSA Long Course Champs, and although we didn't find out which club won overall, everyone put in a huge effort with some great PBs. Congratulations to Cam Keith again who came 6th in the Senior State Surf Lifesaving Champs last weekend, and to Jasmine Tong and Tanya Stovgaard (former MCers) who are joint winners of the Women in Education award for the most outstanding female athletes int he Peninsula Region for 2013. Awesome work, guys!
This Friday is the final official club night of the season, so we look forward to seeing you there. We also have changed the date for our End of Season Pool Party to SUNDAY 30th March from 4-6pm. Details to follow. 
Happy swimming
Keith Layton 
Marlin Coast Swimming Club Inc.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Club night this Friday and well done Cam!

Hello club members

After an action-packed weekend last weekend with club night on Friday night and our Peninsula 'B' Qualifier on Saturday afternoon/evening, we are gearing up for our second-last club night of the season this Friday!
We have one more club night left after that, on the 14th March, and our club break-up party is on the 28th March. 
In other news, Cameron Keith has placed 6th in his age group in the National 10km Open Water Swim. This is a magnificent result with him finishing in a time of 2:12:04.69 to complete the gruelling 10km swim. Well done Cameron!!!!!
I will be away for the club night this Friday, but I hope you all swim well and have a good evening.

Happy swimming
Keith Layton

Friday, January 31, 2014

Record Numbers at club night and JX Club of the year for FNQ...

Hello Marlin Coast Members! 
It's been a while since an update was posted here, so we have plenty of good news to share:
  • We had the biggest turnout at club night we've had in some years last night, with 58 swimmers racing. Thanks to all the parents for the hard work put in to make it happen!
  • Good luck to Cameron Keith who will be swimming at the NATIONAL Open water event in Victoria in one weeks time. He will be swimming the 10km race and I wish him all the best as he has been training extremely hard.
  • Our next big Marlin Coast Carnival is on Saturday 22nd February and it will be a twilight Carnival. This will be the last opportunity for swimmers to achieve any qualifying times for the Peninsula Team. Please see the following link for details about qualifying times etc for the Peninsula Swimming Team and how to nominate:
  • The coaches will be running a training camp at Tobruk Pool on Saturday morning15th February from 6:00am to 12:00pm approx. Please speak to them about further information and I will forward you more information shortly.
  • The Saints Carnival flyer is posted under upcoming meets. Please speak to your coach before nominating for this event as it will be on the same weekend as the Coaches have organized a training camp and we have our own Carnival the following weekend.
  • A big thank you to all those parents who assisted last weekend at the FNQ Sprint Meet and to those parents who helped on the Bunnings BBQ before Christmas as we raised nearly $1,000.00 which will go towards coaching and assisting swimmers who attend State Meets.
  • Thanks to the hard work of our swimmers and coaches, we have been awarded JX Club of the Year for FNQ. Awesome work, guys!
Congratulations to the following swimmers who attended the Queensland State Championships in December representing Marlin Coast Swimming Club:
Ryan Clark
  • Regional FNQ medley relay placing 5th
  • Boys 14 100m fly – 2.28sec PB
  • Boys 14 200m back – Placed 24th
  • Boys 14 100m back – 3.45sec PB
  • Boys 14 200m IM – Placed 16th (21.78sec PB!!!!!)
Simon Moore
  • Boys 14 100m breast – Placed 14th (6.5 sec PB)
  • Boys 14 400m IM – 8.90sec PB
  • Boys 14 200m breast – Placed 13th, 8.37sec PB!!
Nathan Lang
  • Regional FNQ relays for freestyle and the medley relay placing 5th in both.
  • Mens 15&O 400IM – 8.03sec PB
  • Boys 15 100m free – 1.01 sec PB
  • Boys 15 100m breast – placed 15th
  • Boys 15 200m breast – placed 11th
  • Boys 15 200m IM – 2.83 sec PB
  • Boys 15 100m fly – 0.21sec PB
Lauren Arenas
  • Regional FNQ relays for freestyle placing 9th and 7th in the medley relay.
  • Girls 14 200m IM – 1.67sec PB
  • Girls 14 200m back – placed 18th
  • Girls 14 100m free – 0.10 PB
  • Girls 14 100m back – 0.81sec PB
Ryleigh Lammert
  • Regional FNQ relay for freestyle and the medley relay placing 4th in both relays
  • Girls 14 200m back – placed 13th
  • Girls 14 100m back – BRONZE MEDAL
Tanya Stovgaard
  • Regional FNQ relay for freestyle and medley relay placing 4th in both
  • Girls 13 200m free – SILVER MEDAL, 6.03sec PB
  • Girls 13 200m IM – Placed 7th, 2.19sec PB
  • Girls 13 100m fly – BRONZE MEDAL, 5.21sec PB
  • Girls 13 200m back – BRONZE MEDAL, 17.10sec PB
  • Girls 13 200m fly – BRONZE MEDAL, 8.91 sec PB
Hannah Witten
  • Regional FNQ relay for freestyle and medley relay placing 4th in both
  • Women OPEN 200m breast – Placed 14th
  • Girls 16 100m breast – BRONZE MEDAL
  • Girls 16 200m breast – SILVER MEDAL, 4.74sec PB
Abriel Reed
  • Regional FNQ relays for freestyle placing 6th and medley relay placing 7th
Jack Hare
  • Regional FHQ relay for freestyle placing 5th and medley relay also placing 5th
Jasmine Tong
  • Regional FNQ relays for freestyle and the medley relay with both these teams placing 4th

These are great results from all the training and effort that has gone into the pool and great coaching.

Thanks everyone and I look forward to seeing you all at the next Club Night on the 28th Feb.

Keith Layton
President – Marlin Coast Swimming Club

Monday, October 21, 2013

Marlin Coast A Qualifier 1st-3rd November & Club Night 25th October

Hi Everyone

What a busy few weeks it's been. We've had the Stingrays, Atherton and Centrals Carnivals, and Marlin Coast has produced some great swimming, PBs and relay results. Dimbulah Carnival is on this weekend, so good luck to those competing there as well!

Congratulations to all those swimmers who attended the meets. Well done in particular to Lauren Arenas for winning the skins competitions at Atherton and Stingrays! Also congratulations to Ryleigh Lammert for coming second at Atherton. Great swimming girls!

Also a big thank you to those parents who time kept.

Our next club night is this Friday 25th October and it's a record night, so we look forward to seeing you all there to make a few dents in the record books!

Our biggest event of the year as a club is coming up next weekend from the 1st-3rd November. The Marlin Coast A Qualifier is our biggest fundraiser and usually a great meet, as well as a good opportunity for our swimmers to compete in their home pool. Nominations close this Friday so make sure you nominate when you're at Club Night! Any volunteers willing to help on the day would make a great difference to how it runs, so please let me know if you are able to help in any way. We will have a BBQ roster and the timekeeping roster for all members participating in the event as well, which will come out next week after nominations close. 

See the Meet Flyers tab on the left for the flyer.

See you on Friday!

Happy swimming

Keith Layton
Marlin Coast Swimming Club

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Carnivals and new club captains!

Hi all

Well the Atherton Swimming Carnival is on next weekend, entries have closed for that so good luck to all the swimmers participating! 

Next up is the Stingrays Twilight Swim Meet on Saturday 12th October, starting at 12 noon at Woree Pool. See the flyer under the meets tab at the left for more details. You can enter by filling in your nomination (available in the glass cabinets across from reception at the Smithfield Pool) and placing it in an envelope with your payment details (either bank transfer or put cash in) and putting the envelope in the wooden box. This would be a great meet to have a try for the first time if you're interested in giving it a go. 

Our next club night is not until the 25th October, as we have so many meets on in October and the school holidays as well. We look forward to seeing you then if not before!

I would also like to thank Jasmine Tong and Adam Vander Zant for their wonderful leadership as Club Captains for the last 5 years. We could not have had better role models for all our swimmers and they have truly led by example by their conduct in and out of the pool.

Congratulations to Hannah Witten and Cameron Keith who are our new Club Captains. Two accomplished swimmers and wonderful individuals to continue on the leadership of our swimmers. I look forward to their future accomplishments and guidance of our younger swimmers as our Club continues to evolve.

Thank you again to all the parents for assisting with the BBQ (especially you Helen!). Also thank you to all those who assisted with nominations, entries and running the computer, announcing, time keeping, chief time keeping and marshalling. Our club night ran very smoothly so thank you to everyone who assisted.

Yours in swimming,

Keith Layton