Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Notice of AGM Wednesday 16th July 2014

Hello Members,
The 2013-14 swimming season is finished with great results from so many of our members. Now we're turning our attention to getting organised for 2014-15 season! If you are interested in participating in our great club and contributing to its success, we would love to welcome you onto the committee. 
The Marlin Coast AGM will be at 6pm on Wednesday 16th July in the clubrooms at the Marlin Coast Swimming Pool. I welcome any members to attend. Getting involved with our club at an organisational level can give you the opportunity to learn new skills, engage with your children and contribute to the wider community. 
Our aim is to assist and support the coaches and swimmers to ensure they achieve their best. Nominations are open for the following positions:

- president
- vice president
- treasurer
- secretary
- committee member (registrar)
- committee member (uniforms)
- committee member (club night recorder)
- committee member (carnival nominations)

Some of these positions require only a small time commitment per week or only at specific times, and some are more demanding. If you would like to know more about any specific position, what it entails, and what kind of time commitment it requires, please contact me or another committee member to discuss. 
Please put your nominations in writing and email to Shelley Clark 2 weeks before the AGM.
It is always great to get some new ideas and contributions, so I hope some of you might consider getting involved.
Kind regards,
Keith Layton
President – Marlin Coast Swimming Club