Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Last club night this Friday and change of End of Year Pool Party date

Hi Everyone
We had a great turnout last weekend for the FNQRSA Long Course Champs, and although we didn't find out which club won overall, everyone put in a huge effort with some great PBs. Congratulations to Cam Keith again who came 6th in the Senior State Surf Lifesaving Champs last weekend, and to Jasmine Tong and Tanya Stovgaard (former MCers) who are joint winners of the Women in Education award for the most outstanding female athletes int he Peninsula Region for 2013. Awesome work, guys!
This Friday is the final official club night of the season, so we look forward to seeing you there. We also have changed the date for our End of Season Pool Party to SUNDAY 30th March from 4-6pm. Details to follow. 
Happy swimming
Keith Layton 
Marlin Coast Swimming Club Inc.